Ad Type Definitions

Here is a list of ad types available in our platform and the definitions for each for the various retailers

Sponsored Product: Sponsored product results that appear as part of search.

Brand Ads - Top of Search: Sponsored Brand ads that appear at the top of the page before any search results. (Amazon only)

Brand Ads - Search Footer: Sponsored Brand ads that appear the the bottom of the page after all search results. (Amazon only)

Brand Video Ads: Video ads that appear between search results. (Amazon only)

Featured Product Ads: Ad selections that appear between search results. These include Highly Rated, Amazon's Choice, and Editorial ad groups. (Amazon only)

Brand Amplifier: Ads appearing in the Walmart Brand Amplifier. (Walmart only)

Other Ads: Identifies new ad types that have not yet been classified or new ad labels that have not yet been accounted for.

Not Sponsored: Organic search results.