Data Dictionary

Above The Fold Item Count:

The number of distinct items that appeared at least once in the top 8 items on page 1 of search for a keyword


Above The Fold Organic Item Count:

The number of distinct items that organically appeared at least once in the top 8 items on page 1 of search for a keyword


Above The Fold Sponsored Item Count:

The number of distinct items with a sponsored result that appeared at least once in the top 8 items on page 1 of search for a keyword


Ad Group Id:

Ad Group ID collected from ads in keyword search


Ad Type:

Identifies the type of ad an item appeared in. Organic results have a null value here. Walmart's brand amplifier and Amazon's sponsored brands are grouped together as "Sponsored Brand/Amplifier"


Average Rating (filter dimension):

Item rating. Averaged by day, item, and retailer across all crawl sources (if an item appears in multiple keywords and categories in the same day, this value is the average of all those rating observations)


Average Rating:

Average item rating


Avg Best Seller Rank 1 Wk Prior:

Average best seller rank for the week before the most recent complete week


Avg Best Seller Rank 1 Wk Vs Prior:

% improvement in average best seller rank comparing the most recent complete week to the prior week


Avg Best Seller Rank 1 Wk Vs Year:

% improvement in average best seller rank comparing the most recent complete week to week one year prior


Avg Best Seller Rank 1 Wk Year:

Average best seller rank for the week one year prior to the most recent complete week


Avg Best Seller Rank 1 Wk:

Average best seller rank over the most recent complete week


Avg Best Seller Rank 4 Wk Prior:

Average best seller rank for the 4 weeks before the 4 most recent complete weeks


Avg Best Seller Rank 4 Wk Vs Prior:

% improvement in average best seller rank comparing the most recent complete 4 weeks to the prior 4 weeks


Avg Best Seller Rank 4 Wk Vs Year:

% improvement in average best seller rank comparing the most recent complete 4 weeks to the 4 week period one year prior


Avg Best Seller Rank 4 Wk Year:

Average best seller rank for the 4 week period one year prior to the 4 most recent complete weeks


Avg Best Seller Rank 4 Wk:

Average best seller rank over the 4 most recent complete weeks


Badge Id:

Badge ID as marked on the retailer site for an item within category bestsellers


Badge Id:

Badge ID as marked on the retailer site for an item within keyword search


Badge Name:

Badge as marked on the retailer site for an item within category bestsellers


Badge Name:

Badge as marked on the retailer site for an item within keyword search


Best Seller Rank (filter dimension):

Item rank as displayed in retailer category bestsellers


Best Seller Rank Tier:

Groups best seller ranks into bins of a set size controlled by the "Best Seller Rank Tier Bucket Size" filter. For example, a Best Seller Rank Tier Bucket Size of 5 would result in bins of ranks 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.


Best Seller Rank Tier:

Groups prices into bins of a set size controlled by the "Price Tier Bucket Size" filter. For example, a Price Tier Bucket Size of 5 would result in bins of prices $1-$5, $6-$10, $11-$15, etc.


Best Seller Rank:

Average item rank as displayed in retailer category bestsellers


Brand Count:

The number of distinct brands


Brand Item Count:

Total number of items for a brand in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items appeared in search



Most recently viewed brand as collected from the retailer site


Branded Keyword

Identifies if a keyword is branded or generic. This is determined using an algorithm using inputs like if the brand name of the search results matches the keyword and if there is one brand that dominates the keyword's share of voice

Campaign Id:

Ad Campaign ID collected from ads in keyword search


Category Count No Links:

The number of distinct Category IDs


Category Count:

The number of distinct Category IDs


Category Depth:

Identifies how deep a category falls in a retailer hierarchy from it's top level (Department). The top level (Department) is level 0. For example, for a category with category tree "Grocery > Beverages > Hot Beverages > Coffee" the category depth would be 3.


Category Id Count:

The number of distinct Category IDs


Category Id:

Unique category id within the selected retailer


Category Name:

Category name as displayed by the selected retailer


Category Tree:

The complete path or hierarchy of a category and it's subcategories where products are found. Each retailer has it's own hierarchy so the path will vary between retailers



Combines Category Id and Category Name to uniquely identify a category for the selected retailer


Data Period:



Date Count:

The number of distinct days with available data.


Date Granularity:

Filter field used to adjust metric grouping by day, week, or month.


Department Count:

The number of distinct Departments


Department Name:

Identifies the department for a given category. For example, for a category with category tree "Grocery > Beverages > Hot Beverages > Coffee" the department would be "Grocery"



Combines Department Name and Retailer Site to uniquely identify the department for a selected category within a retailer


Dynamic Timeframe:

The date for which the data is grouped and aggregated. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly in most cases. The group by parameter can be adjusted using the Date Granularity filter to adjust the level of aggregation


First Level Category:

Identifies the first categories immediately below department level within the category tree (hierarchy) of a given category. For example, a category with category tree "Grocery > Beverages > Hot Beverages > Coffee" the first level category would be "Beverages"


Has Subcats:

Yes/No flag that identifies if this category has at least one subcategory under it.


Impression Count:

Sums the number of items occurrences by day and category. For example, an item that appeared in 3 categories for 2 days and 4 categories for 1 day woudl contribute 3*2+4*1=10 to this value


Impression Count:

Sums the number of items occurrences by day and keyword. For example, an item that appeared in 3 keywords for 2 days and 4 categories for 1 day would contribute 3*2+4*1=10 to this value


Is Ad:

Yes/No flag that identifies if a product's occurrence in keyword search was an ad or not. Sponsored items do not count as ads for this field


Item Count No Links:

The number of distinct retailer item ids


Item Count:

The number of distinct retailer item ids


Item Count:

The number of distinct Item IDs


Item Count:

The number of distinct retailer item ids


Item ID:

Unique item id within the selected retailer



A unique identifier for an item that includes its title and retailer item id


Keyword Item Count:

Total number of items in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items appeared in search



Keyword collected from a retailer's keyword search


Keyword Score:

Using an algorithmically determined set of most similar competitive items, this score ranks the value of this keyword in terms of search visibility for those items in the last 30 days for all of those items

Max Organic Rank:

Worst/highest item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products


Max Overall Rank:

Worst/highest item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products



Median displayed item price


Min Best Seller Rank:

Best item rank as displayed in retailer category bestsellers


Min Organic Rank:

Best/lowest item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products


Min Organic Search Rank:

The overall best organic search rank for the brand within a keyword


Min Overall Rank:

Best/lowest item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products


Min Price:

The lowest displayed item price


Min Search Rank:

The best (lowest) item search rank as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic and sponsored search results but not ads


Min Search Rank:

The overall best search rank for the brand within a keyword


Number of Ratings (filter dimension):

Number of ratings. Calculated by day, item, and retailer across all crawl sources (if an item appears in multiple keywords and categories in the same day, this value is the highest number of ratings of all those observations)


Number Of Ratings:

Highest number of ratings viewed for an item


Organic Brand Item Count:

Total number of organic items for a brand in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items had organic appearances in search


Organic Impression Count:

Sums the number of organic item occurrences by day and keyword. For example, an item that appeared as an organic result in 3 keywords for 2 days and 4 categories for 1 day would contribute 3*2+4*1=10 to this value


Organic Keyword Item Count:

Total number of organic items in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items had organic appearances in search


Organic Rank Sum:

The sum of all organic ranks. Each day each item contributes one value to this sum


Organic Rank:

Item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products


Organic Search Rank:

Average item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products


Organic Search Visibility Score

A composite metric used to estimate how often this product/brand/category was viewed in shopper searches. It is estimated using the number of keywords,  search volume, item organic search rank, and number of days items appeared in the search result slots.

Organic Share Of Voice Per Keyword:

Number of organic brand item occurrences over time in a keyword's page 1 of search divided by the total number of organic item occurrences over time in that keyword's page 1 of search


Overall Rank:

Item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes ads as well as organic and sponsored products


Overall Rank:

Average item search rank on page as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic results but not ads or sponsored products



The page of search that data was collected from. Only the first two pages of search are available


Percent 1P:

Percent of observations where the buybox seller was first-party. (Only available for


Position In Slot:

Identifies an ad item's position within an ad slot. If there are 3 items displayed in an ad then those items fall in positions 1, 2, and 3.


Price (filter dimension):

Item listed price. Averaged by day, item, and retailer across all crawl sources (if an item appears in multiple keywords and categories in the same day, this value is the average of all those price observations)



Average displayed item price


Retailer Site:

Source data retailer site


Sales Share:

Sales share or market share is the percentage of sales in a category that belongs to a certain brand.  

Search Rank (filter dimension):

Item search rank as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic and sponsored search results but not ads


Search Rank Tier:

Groups search ranks into bins of a set size controlled by the "Search Rank Tier Bucket Size" filter. For example, a Search Rank Tier Bucket Size of 5 would result in bins of ranks 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc.


Search Rank:

Average item search rank as displayed in retailer keyword search. Includes organic and sponsored search results but not ads


Search Visibility Score

A composite metric used to estimate how often this product/brand/category was viewed in shopper searches. It is estimated using the number of keywords, Amazon search volume, item search rank, and number of days items appeared in the search result slots.

Search Volume

We estimate  Search Volume with a statistical model that uses inputs from our own crawl and external data on retailer-related searches. These inputs include keyword search frequency rank, some known data on keyword search volume, and known search volume in the ecommerce marketplace.

Seller Count:

The number of distinct sellers that held the product buybox. Does not include additional sellers in the "more seller options" section. (Only available for


Seller Id:

Retailer unique id for a seller. (Only available for


Seller Name:

Seller name collected from retailer buybox. (Only available for


Seller Type:

If the retailer is the buybox seller for a product, seller type is 1P. Otherwise seller type is 3P. (Only available for


Share of Voice:

Number of brand item occurrences over time in a keyword's page 1 of search divided by the total number of item occurrences over time in that keyword's page 1 of search


Slot On Page:

Identifies position of ads on page relative to search ranks. For example: Slot 0 comes before any search results. Slot 8 falls between search results 7 and 9.


Sponsored Activity Index:

Sums the number of sponsored item occurrences by day and keyword. For example, an item that appeared as a sponsored result in 3 keywords for 2 days and 4 keywords for 1 day would contribute 3*2+4*1=10 to this value


Sponsorship Activity:

Sponsorship activity measures the number of sponsored item occurrences by day and keyword. For example, an item that appeared as a sponsored result in 3 keywords for 2 days and 4 keywords for 1 day would contribute 3*2+4*1=10 to this sponsorship activity.


Sponsored Brand Item Count:

Total number of sponsored items for a brand in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items had sponsored appearances in search


Sponsored Keyword Item Count:

Total number of sponsored items in a keyword's search weighted by the number of days those items had sponsored appearances in search


Sponsored Result:

Yes/No flag that identifies if a product's occurrence in keyword search was sponsored or not. Sponsored items and sponsored brand adds all count as ads for this field


Sponsored Share Of Voice Per Keyword:

Number of sponsored brand item occurrences over time in a keyword's page 1 of search divided by the total number of sponsored item occurrences over time in that keyword's page 1 of search


Title Length:

The number of character's in the product's title



Most recently viewed title value for the selected item


Weighted Best Seller Rank Multiplier (filter dimension):

A weighted index value for summing multiple bestseller ranks