How do I identify ideal prospects for my agency?

Easily identify and prioritize prospective brands selling on Amazon, Walmart, or Target by keyword and sales performance



It can be difficult for agencies to identify brands they would like to have as customers and start a meaningful conversation with them. Identifying target brands and prioritizing who is reached with account-based marketing can be the major difference in the success or failure of a business development team.

Understanding the Ideal Prospect Brand

A lot of how you will search for prospects depends on who your agencies ideal customers are. Here are some important questions to answer before you start searching.

  • What categories does the agency specialize in and have a unique value proposition for and success stories?
  • What customer size is ideal? Are you looking at landing large, medium, or emerging brands
  • What area would you like to offer your services, search, retail media, sales etc.

Finding Brands in the Analytic Index Platform

By Category

Navigate to the Brand Finder Report. In the filters add the Department first and then start typing your category. You can do this on any-level category. If you would like a broader list, enter in a higher-tier category. If you want a very specific list, enter a lowest-level category. The report will provide you with two tables, one for Top Brands in Search and another for Top Brands in Sales.

Top Brands in Search

The Top Brands in Search table lets you know how the category brands are doing in search. Depending on your ideal prospect, you can choose which companies to target. For example, if you are an agency that focuses on advertising, you want to pay special attention to the columns around Sponsored Search.

Top Brands in Sales

The top Brands in Sales tables lets you know how the category brands are doing based on their cumulative weighted best seller rank across the items. It also provides a lot of other brand metrics that help shed light on the brand’s performance. Based on your target prospect, you may want to select brands from different levels of sales.

By Keyword

Instead of filtering by Department and Category Tree, you can filter by a keyword. It takes the guesswork out of sorting through categories. In the previous example we filtered by the category tree Sports & Outdoors > Sports > Team Sports > Baseball. By keyword we simply filter by the keyword Baseball Training Equipment. While providing similar results, it was much easier to find.

Top Brands in Search

Top Brands in Sales


Pro Tips

Learn more about brands

If you would like to learn more about the brands you have identified, click on the brand name and drill in to the Brand Snapshot. This report will provide holistic information on the brand’s search, sales, keyword, and item performance.

Learn more about the category

If you would like to learn more about a category, you can navigate to the Category Snapshot report and enter in the same Department and Category into the filter. This report will provide detailed information about brand, item, and keyword performance within the category.