[June 17, 2024] Chewy Data Degraded

We have identified a change on Chewy.com that has blocked our collection of anything on their site from June 17, 2024 - Ongoing

Dataset Impacted: Chewy.com

Data impacted: Category and Search results

Impacted Timeframe: June 17, 2024 - Ongoing

Resolution: TBD

How does this impact my data?

This change from Chewy.com resulted in a complete crawl outage for this retailer. This means that keyword counts, sponsorship activity, and market share data will be negatively impacted and show little to no keyword counts, sponsorship activity, and less accurate market share in the impacted period. 

Recommended Workaround:

We recommend using a date range outside of the impacted timeframe when possible or use a larger time window so the impact for those days is minimal