[Resolved] Kroger.com Page 2 Search and Category Results

An issue was found on Kroger.com where search results were duplicated on pages 1 and 2. To prevent data duplication in reports, crawling of page 2 was stopped from November 2023, to May 2024.

Dataset Impacted: Kroger.com

Data Impacted: Keyword Opportunity Report; Category Snapshot

Impacted Timeframe:
01 Nov 2023 - 14 May 2024 - Search

01 Nov 2023 - 09 May 2024 - Category

Resolution: We have stopped crawling page 2 of Kroger.com search and category results going forward

How does this impact my data?

Some reports such as Keyword Opportunity and Category Snapshot will not show page 2 results in the affected time windows. You may also notice a "shelf"—an abrupt jump upward or downward—on the beginning and ending interval dates for some reports, especially in the Category Snapshot report. Please contact your account manager for specific needs or questions.