Organic Rank Tracker

This report is used to track the organic ranks of a brand's items by brand, specific items, and/or specific keywords

The organic rank tracker can be used to track any brand's organic rank positions across multiple items and keywords. It can also be used at the item level to get individual item tracking.

Use Cases

Brand/Item-Level Organic Search Rank Tracking

Identify the keywords the brand or item is ranking for organically over time. Enter a Retailer site and a Brand or Item ID(s) to track keywords and their respective organic rank positions over time.

Keyword-Specific Organic Tracking

Track an item or a brand's organic search result ranks for any keyword or set of keywords over time.

Pro Tip: Use the "contains" functionality on the keyword filter to include broad match or phrase match keywords in the results.


Avg Organic Rank The average organic search rank observed for the items during the period.
[Page 1, Page 2] Keywords (Organic) The number of keywords for which the items were found in the organic search results on page 1 (or page 2 depending on the filter settings).
ATF Keywords (Organic) The number of keywords for which the items were found above the fold (position 8 or better) in the organic search results on page 1.
Best Organic Search Rank The lowest (best) organic search rank that any item in the filter set achieved for the keyword in the period.
Avg Search Volume % The average search volume percentile for the keywords. Search Volume Percentile provides a relative search volume metric to identify which keywords are being searched most by shoppers.


Retailer Site Select the Retailer site dataset to use for the report. Only retailer datasets for which your account is subscribed will appear in the list.
Brand Enter any brand(s) to include in the report. Default is any value (blank)
Item ID Enter any specific item IDs (ie ASIN) to include in the report. Default is any value (blank)
Keyword Enter any specific or broad match (contains) search terms to include in the report. Default is any value (blank)
Date Range

The period of time for which the data will be displayed. Default is 8 complete weeks. 

Top Keywords/Items to Show The number of keywords or items to show in the charts. Default is to display the top 5.
Group by Select the rollup period of the data by day, week, or month. Default is Week
Page The number of search results pages to include in the report. Default is page 1 of search.

Scheduled Delivery & Alerts Recommendations

- Set Alerts from specific report