[Jan 30, 2022] Amazon Category Data Degraded (RESOLVED)

We have identified a change that Amazon has made to their site that is impacting our collection of category data. The good news is that it is only affecting the category data, our keyword data is unaffected (90% of our data is keyword related data).

Dataset Impacted: Amazon.com

Data impacted: Category (Best Sellers)

Impacted Timeframe: Jan 30, 2022 - Feb 5, 2022

Resolution: All data collection has been resolved as of Feb 5, 2022

How does this impact my data?

Category Snapshot and Category Sales Share dashboards have the biggest impact and will see abnormally low item counts or share estimates in the affected timeframe. Outside of these dashboards, any counts, share estimates, or week over week comparisons in the impacted timeframe may appear abnormally low when filtering by a category. If not filtering by a category (using keyword, item or brand filters) then little to no impact will be seen in the platform.

Recommended Workaround:

We recommend using the Brand and Item filters or using a date range outside of the impacted timeframe when possible.