Market Share Data Accuracy Issue

We discovered an issue with our Market Share accuracy affecting data between 19 April 2022 and 18 September 2023. The affected data has been removed from our system as it does not meet our accuracy standards.

Dataset Impacted:

Data Impacted: Category Market Share, Best Seller Ranks, Top 100 Best Selling Item Counts

Impacted Timeframe: 19 April 2022 - 18 September 2023

Resolution: Inaccurate data has been removed from the system leaving a gap in Category Market Share in the affected period.

How does this impact my data? Category Market Share data has been removed from the Analytic Index platform so as not to mislead any of our users with data that does not meet our quality and accuracy standards. Search and other data from is not impacted and is fully functional and accurate. Please contact your account manager for specific needs or questions.

Reports that will have null values in Category Market Share and Best Seller columns and charts include:



Category Snapshot

High - multiple data points impacted

Category Sales Share

High - multiple data points impacted

Marketplace Intelligence

High - multiple data points impacted

Best Seller Rank Tracker

High - multiple data points impacted

Competitive Sales Intelligence

High - multiple data points impacted

Category Finder

High - multiple data points impacted

Brand Snapshot

Low - very few data points impacted

Item Snapshot

Low - very few data points impacted

Item List

Low - very few data points impacted

Brand KPIs & Benchmarks

Low - very few data points impacted

Competitive Brand Comparison

Low - very few data points impacted

Sponsorship Impact Tracker

Low - very few data points impacted

Promo Analyzer

Low - very few data points impacted

Keyword Discovery

Low - very few data points impacted

Recommended Workaround:

Unfortunately we do not have a full replacement for Category Marketshare during this period that has met our accuracy requirements. While not a replacement for Market Share, we have found a positive correlation between Share of Search Visibility and Market Share so for customers looking for a proxy of market share you can use the Search Visibility Tracker to get an idea of brand performance for the category or you can reach out to your account manager for additional custom options for your use case.